using and maintenance of cases. - ARTONUS - professional security for your instrument

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using and maintenance of cases.


         Cases are used for storage and transport of musical instruments in various types of conditions. Protect against contamination of the instrument, the negative impact of fluctuations in temperature and humidity according to the nature of their construction. Cases, depending on the construction and the raw material from which they are made, further protect the instrument against mechanical damage - the effects of physical strength.
         As much as possible, avoid storage and usege of your case under extreme conditions (strong sunlight, heavy rain) and in unusual situations (do not throw and crush if they are not designed for this purpose), moreover, do not use for purposes other than intended. Cases are made of flammable materials - avoid contact with fire and high temperatures.  
niewłaściwe zastosowanie futerału wiolonczelowego
         Each case before lifting must have closed locks or zippers. Raising the case without closed locks can cause falling out of the instrument and cause its damage.

        Do not use the case when connecting elements (hinges, lock, zippers) will accidentally damaged – they should be repaired. Exploitation of the case in this condition can cause further destruction of the entire carrying case and can lead to damage to the instrument which is inside.  
skutki podniesienia niezamkniętego futerału skrzypcowego
         Particular care should be paid to the condition for carrying elements - handles, belts and shoulder straps and elements connecting them with case (carabiners, D-rings, etc.) If these items are damaged, you should refrain from their use and repair it or replace with new ones.

          Proper exploitation and care of the case provide the comfort to you and good protection to your instrument.
inne zastosowanie futerału na skrzypce...


In some cases there have been used a hygrometer to measure the humidity. The device is necessary in the case of the luthier instrument made of wood. Air humidity has a significant impact on the technical condition of the instrument, and thus the sound (at too low humidity wood dries up and breaks - instrument loses sound). Best moisture for the luthier instrument is 45-70%.  
higrometr w futerałach do instrumentów produkcji Artonus
To maintain the proper humidity inside the case is required a special humidifier. Selected models of ARTONUS cases have such device. In the housing of the humidifier there is placed special refill soaked with water, which emits water himself maintains the proper humidity in case. Detailed instructions of filling refills with water is on the package label containing refills and in INSTRUCTIONS section.
higrometr w futerałach do instrumentów produkcji Artonus
In humidifiers is best to use a specially produced water with bactericidal and fungicidal trade name "SILVER HYGRO". The usege for a long time a different kind of water may cause in a case mold and fungi. If you use other liquids moisturizing than recommended, the manufacturer takes no responsibility for the case.
"srebrna woda"do napełniania nawilżaczy w futerałach Artonus
Before using the case there must be removed from its interior moisture absorbent - a bag with granules. Leaving it inside will interfere with the function of humidification. Absorbent moisture can be saved separately and use it in case of an unwanted, excessive wetting of the interior.  
For most cases and covers there are attached shoulders straps or backpack straps allowing to you wearing of the product not only in the hands but also respectively on the shoulder or on the back.
mocowanie szelek z ochraniaczami w futerałach Artonus

Plastic parts and skay - in the case of soiling clean it with water - dampened cloth or sponge, then wipe dry and polish using available resources to the protection and conservation of plastics. Excellent results can be achieved using preparations for automotive cockpits.

Metal elements - cleaned with water only in necessary situations, but preferably used for this purpose cloth dampened with oiling agents - preservatives (eg. Teflon-based or silicone).

Mechanisms of metal locks - for lubricating use oils which are used specifically for this purpose (for example, oil for precision machine).

The outer fabric - cleaned with a damp sponge using water with wash and cleaning agents (eg. Soap), strong dirt clean with soft brush. Outher fabric should be protected against mechanical abrasion. Coating from fabrics should not be lustred.

Elements from leather - to clean the leather is best to use a special product to clean this type of leather (it is important not to contain a solvent). After cleaning, apply to the surface of the leather protective cream designed to conservation of natural leather.

Zipper - must be protected from mechanical damage (particularly from abrasion). If you have difficulty closing the lock, do not do it by force, but to find the cause and remove it. The attention to proper operation of the zipper will ensure its long-term use.

The interior of the case – In case of contamination it can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Do not clean it with water! It may happen that the case interior will remain difficult to remove traces of rosin. Such marks can be cleaned by the available alcohols (such as e.g.. Methanol, ethanol or isopropanol). Cleaning the inside with alcohol should be performed on the surface - do not soak the case of any fluid, because it can cause unsticking.

We do not recommend cleaning rosin from the surface of of the luthier instrument, because it can cause washing away from it its paintwork.  

If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to contact us. We will gladly answer for all your questions.
PL 57-300 KŁODZKO, Stary Wielisław 32a tel./fax: +48 74 868 25 93 e-mail:
tel./fax: +48 74 868 25 93 e-mail:
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